Cell phone are a device that many people think are best left to the techies. Having said that, you probably own one, so you need to get comfortable with your understanding of cell phones too. Are you interested in getting a new phone or learning about new capabilities. Keep reading to learn more.
Be careful if you watch videos while using LTE or 4G. Your phone may have a limited data allowance. Video rips right through this allowance, so you may end up being charged more rather quickly. Try a new plan if you cannot stay within restrictions.
If you choose to call information from your cell phone, know that you don’t need to pay the exorbitant fees that are associated with that. Just call 800-441-FREE. After listening to an advertisement, you will get all the information you requested.
You probably use your cell phone often. It is however important to reboot it regularly. This keeps your phone working well. When you restart them you can free up memory so it can run well. Even if you only restart your phone once or twice weekly, you are likely to see improvements.
Is your phone battery dying at speeds that seem way too fast? It could be because of a weak signal if that’s the case. Weak signals can actually kill a battery. When not using your cell phone, don’t store it in a signal-less location like closets or drawers.
You want to beware of those types of extended warranties. These just cost you more money. If you get a defective cell phone, it is usually apparent during the first year in which the manufacturer’s warranty is still valid. Many people also purchase a new phone yearly; these people do not need an extended warranty.
Cell phones run slower with time. Over time, stuff like updating your apps might become cumbersome. In many cases, making a choice becomes necessary. You can choose the features you already have, or upgrade to a more advanced version.
Cell Phone
Don’t expose your cell phone to water. It is common to accidentally drop a cell phone in a body of water and destroy it. Your best bet is to not let your phone near water in the first place. You never know what might happen.
Don’t hesitate to give other brands a try even if you’ve always utilized a particular brand in the past. It may take some time to learn a new screen layout or interface, but keep your mind open. Considering other kinds of phones may provide you with functions that you never had before.
Ask friends and neighbors for their advice before buying a cellphone. They will give you their unbiased opinion, and between all of them, they should be a wealth of knowledge. They can also advise you on the right cell phone plan, making you an informed shopper.
It is important that you recharge your phone before it completely dies out. The battery in your phone is designed for periodic recharging. They aren’t going to hold your charge if you keep letting the batteries get really low before you charge it. Try to charge a cell phone batter early on.
A case might not be necessary if you have one of the latest phones. New smart phones typically have construction that features durable material such as Kevlar and carbon fiber. While cases help protect your phone, they can make it more difficult to conveniently use it. Think about what you want to do very carefully.
It is best to buy a new cell phone every few years in order to keep up with all of the latest technology. Many webmasters configure their sites to work best when accessed from the latest devices. This means that you’re going to have a difficult time using them if you have an outdated phone.
Make sure to protect your phone completely. Not taking care of it can mean quite the expensive fix or replacement. Get a quality protector for the screen to ensure that it does not get scratched. Purchase a hard case if you want to prevent it from breaking.
Make sure your phone has a good case. Accidents happens and dropping an expensive smart phone can be an expensive mistake. Otterbox is a company that makes some great cases that can protect your phone, so use it and your phone won’t get damaged. One great model, in the top of its class, is the Defender.
Educate yourself about your cell phone’s calendar functions. You can use it to schedule meetings and appointments or even leisure time. You can have the phone alert you before the event so that you are always prepared. This is a good way to save time and stay on track with your schedule.
Don’t rely on the zoom lens on your phone’s camera. Optical zoom lenses on traditional cameras are different things than zoom functions on phones. Cell phone digital zooming enlarges the pixels and degrades the quality of the image. If you want to have a camera that works well for you, you should move closer instead of zooming.
Use WiFi instead of data when downloading videos. Videos are very heavy data users and can consume all of the data allowance quickly. You should only do this if your plan is an unlimited data one.
Cell phone plans can be shared among individuals that are not actually in the same family. Some people may not know about this. You can put anyone on your family plan. The cell phone company doesn’t care if you aren’t actually related.
If you do not text very often, eliminate the text plan from your phone at your earliest convenience. Text plans are quite expensive sometimes, especially considering the amount of data they transfer is small potatoes. Some apps will let you text, and iMessage is included with all Apple phones.
Cell Phones
The more you know about cell phones, the better off you’ll be with the technology. Learn how to use your cell phone for a variety of purposes and find out what accessories and applications you really need. With the help of this article, you should be no stranger to the many joys that cell phones can offer you.